Highlights of 2009-2010

IPP Lion Lisa hands the Badge of Office to incoming President Harry Hayman. Harry pictured here with his wife, Pat, at the Crofton Lions Changeover Party in their garden.
July 2009
Our "Casino Night" at The Red Lion raised £288 for charity. During the month we provided an Urn for drinks for pupils at Crofton Anne Dale Junior School, and gave financial support to the Hampshire Wildlife Trust. The first "Water Walk" was organised by us for local schoolchildren to raise funds for a PlayPump in a third world village.
August 2009
We provided all the children of the Carisbrook PreSchool with Hi-Visibilty jackets to help keep them safe on outings in the surrounding footpaths and beaches.
Lion President Harry seen here with the children at the school
Members of the Club assisted in organising a Raft Race on Fareham Creek to raise funds for the Gosport & Fareham Inshore Rescue Service (GAFIRS). We are planning our own version of this fun event 'on dry land!' next Spring.
Our Club Treasurer, Lion Robert Barham, died suddenly aged 51. In his memory donations were given to his favourite charities, Fareham & District Sports Association for the Disabled (FADSAD), Gosport & District Sports Association for the Disabled (GADSAD), and the Wolf Trust. The cheques were received by his partner, Sue Rawlings.

The Wolf Trust
This month also saw one of the biggest fundraising activities of the year where we work in partnership with Fareham Lions Club and the local Business Community to stage the Stubbington Fayre and Donkey Derby.
See Events Page for more information and photos.
September 2009
This proved to be a very busy month for Crofton Lions charity activities. We organised our annual Senior Citizens Party with the Mayor, Cllr.Ruth Godrich, as our Guest of Honour.
Lions Vice President Sandra Lee was the host.
We used the occasion to contribute to the Mayor's chosen Charities, Naomi House, NSPCC, LUPS-Let Us Play Scheme, SSAFA and The Rowans Hospice.
The group "Nostalgia" are firm favourites with many of our Senior Citizen Guests
During the month we also supported a "Holiday of a Lifetime" for the Village Postmistress who has cancer, and helped 20 disadvantaged youngsters to attend a special Centenary Celebration of GirlGuiding in Salisbury.
October 2009
Earlier in the year we had helped with the funding of a young College Student, Rebecca Read, to help her take part in a project working at an Orphanage in Malawi. Rebecca returned with many memories, both happy and sad, and asked permission to talk about her experiences to a Zone Meeting hosted by Crofton Lions. She is one of many young people in Crofton that we have cause to be proud of.
"Hello Crofton Lions, Thank you for sending Rebecca to us. We think she's great!"
Rebecca and friends with the founder of the ophanage in Malawi
Rebecca writes...
Hi Lions,
Earlier this year I spent two weeks at an orphanage in Malawi, a very poor country in South-Eastern Africa. This was as part of a school visit for which I had to raise all my own funds which I did by busking, car boot sales and donations with a particularly generous donation from the Crofton Lions. It was a heart-breaking experience and made me aware of how disadvantaged many people in the world are.
The charity we supported is called F.O.M.O (Friends of Mulanje Orphans). It is a fantastic charity which cares for over 5000 children at 13 centres. I had the opportunity to visit hospitals and clinics, seeing how desperately short of trained medical personnel, medical supplies and equipment these communities are.
The children were all so happy and we were greeted with singing and dancing wherever we went! I would welcome the opportunity to return to Malawi in the future and contribute in some way to the work of the charity.
Best wishes,
Here is a website link to the charity F.O.M.O: http://www.fomo.co.uk/
November 2009
No, not the Pop Group but the 2009 Lord Mayors Show!
Pikemen of the HAC and State Trumpeters escorting the 682nd Lord Mayor of the City of London, The Rt. Hon. Nick Anstee.
Fingers were crossed that the terrible weather which had blighted the 2008 Show would not recur. No such luck! The heavens opened and the rain poured down on the combined efforts of Districts 105D, A, EA, and SE who, optimistically had chosen an open top bus as the centre piece of our entry!
Whilst the Lord Mayor rode in a Golden Coach.
We rode on a Bus!
But at least it was on the Top Deck
The Delegation was made up of Lions, Leos and Young Leaders in Service from Districts 105A, D, EA and SE
"Young Leaders" Sam Harvey, Victoria Goodsell, Holly Chambers, Beki Chambers (seen on the left of the large group photo below) were sponsored by Crofton Lions and formed part of the 105D contingent with Lion reg Norton and Zone Chairman Doreen.
The delegation of Lions from 105D was led by District Governor Judith Goodchild, ably assisted by 2nd VDG Ron Twining and Lion Ann Twining in a ‘Lion Suit'! Despite the
weather conditions the Lions from "D" presented a proud and professional image as they marched through the City, and their good humour was rewarded by the tremendous
reception all round the route. Even after three and a half hours the Aldermen of the City were still in the grandstand at the Mansion House to welcome the Lions back.
District Governor Judith thanked everyone for their participation and took time to welcome four Young Leaders in Service, who had been sponsored by Crofton Lions, as an
important part of the "D"lightful Delegation. One of the girls, Rebecca Chambers gave her considered judgement of the day as.. "Awesome, Amazing, Wet but Fun!"
And when it was all over they had tea in a 'Posh' London Hotel
Crofton Lions marked Remembrance Sunday by attending three ceremonies.
Lion President Harry Hayman laid a wreath at the Civic Ceremony with the Mayor of Fareham at Trinity Church, Lions Lisa Pitt, Pam Tree, Sandy Barker and Sandra Lee represented us in the parade and service at the Cenotaph in London, and a wreath was laid at the War Memorial in Stubbington by Lion Reg Norton accompanied by the remaining members of Crofton Lions Club.
We also supported the Lions Youth Trust, and bought a Christmas Tree for the residents of Melvin Jones House. The fundraising highlight was the BIG Quiz organised by Lion Charlie Read, and sponsored by Lion Danny Brooks which raised £650.
At its November meeting the Club provided financial assistance to support victims of the Floods in Cumbria.
December 2009
Crofton Lions worked in partnership with the Stubbington Traders Association to organise the Christmas Lights and a special event with Carols around the Christmas Tree on the Village Green. A live nativity was staged earlier in the day at Holy Rood Church and the Christmas Story was introduced by the Rev. Kate Macfarlane. Carols and Christmas songs were led by the Hampshire Police Choir and accompanied by a Salvation Army Band from Hedge End. Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Roast Chestnuts were given away and the evening ended with the arrival of Crofton Lions' Father Christmas.
Crofton Lions arranged for 38 children who wrote to "Crofton Santa" to receive personalised letters from the North Pole! Santa also visited various schools and sheltered housing sometimes accompanied by Beki Chambers, one of our "Young Leaders in Service"
Thanks to the generosity of the people in Crofton (Stubbington, HillHead and Peel Common) during the Christmas period we collected £1249.78 for our Charity Account. Every penny will be used for Good Causes, nothing is taken for administration.
During January Lions in Stubbington and Hill Head organised a 'Snow Patrol. We contacted every senior citizen that we were aware of in the Crofton area who lived alone. Our purpose was to ensure that they were safe, and had adequate heating and food. All were in good humour and were in touch with neighbours or relatives but were all grateful to know that we had cared.
Tuesday 12th January 2010 was an ordinary monthly Club Meeting for Crofton Lions with the usual mix of fellowship, fun and fund distribution. Thousands of miles away Haitian and Canadian Lions were working on a water treatment system for an orphanage when a 7.0 Earthquake devastated the island!
Lions Clubs everywhere had prepared for unexpected disasters by donating to a special fund administered by the Lions Clubs International Foundation (L.C.I.F.). As a result LCIF was able to grant an immediate $50,000 for water, food, medical equipment and other essential needs.
Since then Crofton Lions and clubs around the world have responded with additional aid. Over a million pound has been donated by Lions plus gifts in kind. Our colleagues in the Swedish Lions Clubs have provided tents and the Lions of Haiti, Dominican Republic and neighbouring countries are establishing "Tent Cities at Delmas, Blanchard and Carrefour-Feuille. Each accommodating 1200 people, nearly 1000 families in all!
Maureen Brandel, wife of the Past International President, talking to survivors at one of the Lions Tent Cities.
Crofton Lions are proud to have been part of the worldwide team bringing Hope to Haiti. If YOU would also like to help use the 'Contact' button for our treasurer, Lion Mike Shipley, or donate to LCIF direct on www.lcif.org/donate
District Governor Judith Goodchild made her official visit to our Club at the February Meeting.Pictured below exchanging Friendship Banners with Lion President Harry.
During the meeting the District Governor heard plans for a variety of Community Service, Social and Fundraising events in the coming months. They included Our 9th Charter Anniversary at the Palmerston Club and Raffles in all the local Pubs during March for Easter Eggs and Bunnies, A Casino Night and The Festival of St.George in April, and a "Raft Race" on dry land scheduled for May!
This month got off to a great start with approximately 70 members and friends coming to the Palmerston Indoor Bowling Club to celebrate Crofton Lions 9th Charter Anniversary.
Special guests for the evening included Chairman of the Hampshire County Council, Cllr Tim Knight, and his wife Caroline; 2nd Vice District Governor Ron Twining and Lion Ann Twining from Sandown & Shanklin Lions on the Isle of Wight; Cllr. Katrina Trott, formerly Mayor of Fareham and her husband Peter. The evening was enjoyed by all. Excellent meal, superb company, short speeches! and music for dancing provided by a sixties style band called "Happy Times Again". The happy times of this anniversary will be remembered for a long time!
Ron & Ann Twining Tim & Caroline with Lion President Peter & Katrina Trott
19th - 21st March 2010 The Annual Convention of District 105D
Hosted by the Lions Club of Fleet at Wokefield Park, Reading
The Special international guest was Past International Director, Lion Dr Patti Hill from Canada. Seen here with the Crofton Lions delegates, Lions Reg Norton & Frances Bond.
It was a very successful Convention for our Club.
We won the Website Competition, came second in the Environmental Photographic Competition and two of our members, Lions Nelson Sclater and Peter Holder, were awarded District Governor's Certificates of Appreciation for their work in Community Services in Crofton.
Our environmental photo entry was entitled "Under Age Drinking!"
Recently we have give considerable help to a number of 'Good Causes'. Among them were the victims of the Earthquake in Haiti (reported above), and also closer to home the 600+ families who are still homeless as a result of the Cumbria Floods. We have given donations towards a crafted public shelter in memory of many Lions Members who have 'passed to higher service' at the National Arboretum (Part of England's National Forest and also to organisations like Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Pictured here after giving a talk about their work is Puppy Training Volunteer, Christine Seward, and "Tara"
The Crofton Lions "Festival of St. George" for 2010 involved the whole community. It started on Friday when a St. George's Day Dinner of Roast Beef and other typically English Meals plus Real Ale was offered at each of the three local Pubs. A Medieval Village Fayre took place on Saturday 24th It was opened by the Mayor of Fareham, Cllr Ruth Godrich, and The "Spirit of St. George" on horseback carrying the Standard of England The Fayre included "Living History" Jutish Group from 642 AD, Devils Jump Lancashire Clog Dancers, Jonathan & Jamie the Jesters, A Folk Band and the Brass Band of T.S.Tenacity NTC, Storytellers, Punch & Judy, etc. There were Window Displays in many of the Shops to reflect the theme, and Stubbington Green was decorated with over 30 flags of St. George. The Festival finished on Sunday with a Parade of over 100 Minis, Motorbikes and Scooters all flying the Flag of England
The Crofton Lions took 29 members from "SeaHawks" Club for children with diabetes to the District Outing at Paultons Park.
An excellent, and very enjoyable, day out for the children and their families. We have add excellent ‘feedback' from those who took part.
One of our members, designated by Fareham Borough Council as a "Citizen of Honour", was invited to be a guest at the official Mayor Making Ceremony and Lunch on 13th May 2010 with the new Mayor & Mayoress, Cllr Brian Bayford and his wife Susan.
The Crofton Lions took part in two major fundraisers this month. Our Plate Smashing Stall was a great success thanks largely to the efforts of Lion President Harry Hayman and Treasurer Mike Shipley supported by a rota of club members at the Sarisbury Green Fayre and then the SULTAN SHOW, a two day event.
We also planned and led a "Walk for Health" for patients of the Stubbington Medical Practice. All the details were as for the Crofton Water Walk previously planned for our local schools. See /events/waterwalk.html